Hotel Napolean
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This luxury hotel, affectionately named ‘The Place’ by Errol Flynn, has 101 guestrooms, including 47 suites, at your disposal, all equipped with the very latest innovations. Set in the heart of the Triangle d'Or, a stone’s throw from the Arc de Triomphe and just a step away from the world famous Avenue des Champs Elysées, this haven of serenity boasts a truly exceptional and easily accessible location, and is a marvel of Empire-style decoration.
Every last corner here is worthy of a painting by a master’s hand, contributing to the intimacy and comfort of a building steeped in history, and to the success of your stay within its walls. Relax and enjoy magical surroundings and top-quality service.An establishment designed solely with your pleasure in mind.
What proof of love!
The hotel was built in the 1920s and was bought by a rich Russian businessman as a wedding present for the young French girl with whom he had fallen head-over-heels in love. The establishment went on to receive countless illustrious guests from the era’s high society and, as a meeting place for two cultures, made constant additions to its decor as it was passed on from one generation to the next. With its owners’ artistic tastes to help it along the way, the hotel has kept up with the times without losing its independence or its family-house atmosphere.
Prestigious guests and a favourite with artists in all walks of life
Follow in the footsteps of Errol Flynn, Josephine Baker, Ernest Hemingway, Jean Gabin, Dali, John Steinbeck and Constantin de Grèce, and treat yourself to a stay in these sumptuous and altogether magical surroundings. Enjoy their spaciousness and authenticity, and the unrestricted views they provide over the rooftops of Paris. Night and day alike, the hotel staff, a discreet team of perfectionists under the watchful eye of Ludovic Corpechot, are at your entire disposal, careful of the spirit of the establishment and of its reputation, and of the well-being of yourself and your loved ones.